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Adults of all ages gather together to dig deeper into the Bible with the desire to not only learn about His Word - but how to effectively apply it to our daily walk with the Lord.  Whether through our Thursday evening bible studies and fellowship (starting at 6:30pm every Thursday evening) and/or our Sunday school classes each Sunday morning (from 9:30am - 10:20am), our goal is for you to be challenged to get out of your comfort zone and take His truths into the world; to reach the “unreachable”, teach the “unteachable” and love the “unlovable”!

Adult Ministries

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Compassionate Outreach Ministry

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At New Beginnings Ministries we care for the people of our community. We plan many community outreach projects throughout the year to show others Christ's love through God's people.


There are people all around us that need help, love, encouragement, etc.   Our Compassionate Outreach team sees the needs in our community, so they spread the love of Jesus by delivering meals and visiting those in the community that are shut-ins, handicapped, lonely, or just needing some encouragement.

Little Beginnings Children's Ministry


We have implemented a new Thursday evening Children's program that brings a fresh approach to growing a lifelong relationship with God. As kids explore God’s character throughout the Bible, God transforms them from the inside out. Kids discover what it means to reflect God's Heart in everyday life.  We offer a time of teaching, singing, snacks and fun activities geared toward children of all ages!  


Please feel free to contact our Transportation personnel to arrange for your child/children to be picked up.  The program begins promptly at 6:30pm and concludes at 7:30pm.  Call (740) 824-4878 and leave a message or email the church requesting additional information.

Thursday Night Youth Group

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We at New Beginnings Ministries understand that the youth of today are the future of tomorrow.  We value children in our ministry and therefore put an added emphasis on including all children in our community, regardless of their background.  Our Thursday night Youth Groups class is focused on showing all youth the love of Christ while teaching them biblical principles and morals that they will carry with them into the future. 


It is our ultimate goal that no matter where they go in life that they “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” 1 Peter 3:15


Sunday Morning:  

     -Sunday School - 9:30 am

     -Worship Service - 10:30 am


Thursday Evening: - Starting at 6:30pm

     - Adult Bible Study/Fellowship

     - Youth Services

     - Children's Ministry



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